Pebble Creek scavenger hunt to raise funds for prostate cancer research

Zach Parris can name a few people who likely owe their lives to Ride on Dads, an organization he started about two years ago that raises funds for prostate cancer research through outdoor sporting events.

On Saturday, his nonprofit will host the second Ride on Dads Scavenger Hunt at Pebble Creek Ski Area from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. to raise funds for the Salt Lake City-based Hunstman Cancer Foundation.

In 2021 — the nonprofit's first year — Ride on Dads raised more than $27,000 toward the foundation's cause through the scavenger hunt, a bicycle tour in Lava Hot Springs and a rodeo event in Pocatello. Parris has set a $30,000 fundraising goal to benefit the foundation with this year's events.

Aside from raising money for research, Parris also strives to raise awareness about the importance of men ages 50 and older getting regularly tested for prostate cancer. Parris explained one in nine men will get prostate cancer. He said several men whom he encouraged to get screened for prostate cancer have tested positive early and gotten treatment before their cancer became advanced.

"We've saved some people's lives in the past seven or eight years just doing this," Parris said, adding screening requires an expensive and simple blood test. "I know we've made an impact."

Parris has stage-four prostate cancer. He got tested at the suggestion of his urologist in 2008, when he was 51, and he tested normal. Four years later, Parris was tested again and was diagnosed with aggressive cancer. He's had his prostate removed and underwent 38 rounds of radiation treatment, plus additional clinical trial treatments. But his cancer spread into his bones.

While in Salt Lake City getting treatment, a friend who knew Parris was an avid cyclist suggested that he ride a 140-mile tour to benefit the Hunstman, called the Huntsman Sportsfest. Parris assembled a team of local cyclists, and together they raised between $6,000 and $7,000 per year over the course of seen years.

When the ride was moved to a virtual format in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he and his wife, Tami, decided to create Ride on Dads and raise funds on their own, requesting that all of the funds they raise go to prostate cancer research.

"We decided we were going to do some events in Idaho," Parris said. "There are a lot of people in Southeast Idaho who go to Salt Lake City for cancer treatment."

The cost of entering the scavenger hunt is $40. The first 125 people to register receive a Ride on Dads beanie. Participants will receive a list of clues directing them to various locations throughout the ski hill, where they'll find tokens. For example, Parris said one of the clues last year was, "Get yourself up to 7820 where the sun shines aplenty." It referred to the elevation at the top of the Sunshine Lift.

Tokens will be entered into a drawing for a host of prizes, including gift certificates, handmade jewelry, a mini bike, skis, snowboards, art and a toboggan.

A lift ticket is required to reach token locations. Go to to register or sponsor someone.

In addition to the scavenger hunt, Ride on Dads sponsors a bicycle tour fundraiser in Lava Hot Springs in June, called Tour de Lava.

In September, Load 'Em in the Dark Cattle Co. donates a portion of revenue generated from a team roping event at the Bannock County Event Center to help Ride on Dads support cancer research. Parris said September is also Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. 

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